How did Nefertiti lose her eye? 3 reasons why it disappeared

The statue of Queen Nefertiti appears with the left eye missing, which makes many wonder: How did Nefertiti lose her eye? There is a lot of gossip about the fact that she lost her eyes. In general, Nefertiti is considered one of the most powerful and famous women in ancient Egypt, who was famous for her beauty and power in the past. In this article, we will present an overview of her life, and then discuss how did Nefertiti lose her eye? We show some important details and information.
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About Queen Nefertiti

Before we answer a question, How did Nefertiti lose her eye? We’ll first need to take a quick snapshot of her life and upbringing. Nefertiti is considered one of the most famous Egyptian queens in the Pharaonic era, and she was famous for being the most powerful and famous woman in ancient Egypt.
She was the wife of King Amenhotep IV, one of the pharaohs of the Eighth Dynasty, and she provided him with all support in various aspects of life. She also gave birth to 6 daughters from him, and when one of them died, the queen disappeared from the Pharaonic court and was not found after that.
As for its origins, some historical sources mentioned that Nefertiti is the daughter of the commander of the armies, Ay.
Has Nefertiti’s body been found?
Until now, Nefertiti’s body has not been found, although sources stated that she was buried with her husband, Akhenaten. However, after excavating his tomb well over and over again, it was not found, which made many believe that it was buried in a secret passage leading to a room in which it was buried.
Bust of Nefertiti’s face

In our conversation about How did Nefertiti lose her eye? We will need to talk about the bust of Nefertiti’s face to answer this question. This statue is considered one of the most famous statues of Queen Nefertiti and is one of the most famous pieces of art remaining from the Pharaonic era.
It was found in 1912 in the workshop of a sculptor in ancient Egypt called Thutmose, and the statue and the iris of the left eye were not found in it. And when the bust of Nefertiti’s face was found by the German Egyptologist (Ludwig Borchardt).
Ludwig Borchardt smuggled the bust of Nefertiti’s face in some way to Germany, then the statue settled in the Berlin Museum.
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How did Nefertiti lose her eye?
Although Nefertiti’s body was not found, and many statues and paintings related to her were distorted, some of them still exist.
The most famous of them is the bust of Nefertiti’s face, and in our conversation about How did Nefertiti lose her eye? We find that this statue embodies the shape of Queen Nefertiti, but the pupil of the left eye is absent.
There are many rumors and reasons for How did Nefertiti lose her eye? Below we will show you the most important ones in some detail:
The eye of Queen Nefertiti fell in the workshop

Borchardt assumed that the iris of the left eye of this queen fell when the sculptor’s workshop, Thutmose, was destroyed. But the intensive search failed to find it in the ruins of the workshop, after searching for days on end, but to no avail.
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Queen Nefertiti lost her left eye due to inflammation in the eyes

It is one of the reasons that some have suggested, and whose validity has not yet been proven. Because statues and other paintings of her were found and the left eye was present.
The left eye of Queen Nefertiti was intentionally not carved out
Which is the most likely reason that answers the question, How did Nefertiti lose her eye? more healthily. This is because research has shown that this statue was originally carved to teach students how to carve the internal structure of the eye.
And therefore it was nothing more than an educational tool to teach the students how to sculpt the internal structure of the eye practically.
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